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Shoparoo is the most hassle-free school fundraiser around.  Shoparoo is a free app for IOS and Android phones that allows anyone to take pictures of their shopping receipts and earn cash donations for their schools!

Just snap a picture of your grocery receipt on your smartphone and voilá, you've made an instant cash donation!  You can also take pictures of your non-grocery receipts (from clothing stores, electronic stores, restaurants, home improvement stores, etc.) for entries into Shoparoo's cash donation sweepstakes that can reward a school up to $15,000!  Sign up today and help Saint Aloysius Parish School with your receipts.

GIANT FOOD STORE has a new rewards program for schools.  Designate Saint Aloysius today by using ID Code 04136, and each time you shop at GIANT using your BONUS CARD, you will earn points for Saint Aloysius.  Those points earned will become CASH to use for any of our educational needs.  Register your bonus card at   or by calling 1-888-GIVING-2 (1-888-448-4642).   This simple effort will make a huge difference for our School!  Encourage your friends and family to designate Saint Aloysius' as well.  It could mean the world to our children.


Collect the BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION to help Saint Aloysius School.

Box Tops earnings may be used to purchase anything from Playground Equipment to Classroom Supplies.



Make school donations using your MY COKE REWARDS points and empower your favorite students to do, learn and discover more every day. Find out how to donate to schools at   Choose Saint Aloysius as  your designated school of choice.  Help us to earn points towards new play yard and gym equipment. 


TARGET REDCARD: Sign up for "Take Charge of Education" and designate St. Aloysius school.


Don't have a REDcard?

Applying is easy!


1% of your REDcard purchases at Target will go to Saint Aloysius School.



Did you know by shopping at Redner’s Warehouse Markets, Saint Aloysius can receive 1% of your grocery purchase?  All you need to do is stop by the Redner’s Customer Service or Cash  Register, sign up for a Save-a-Tape card and send your receipts to the school office.  It “is” as easy as it sounds.

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Saint Aloysius Parish School

844 N. Keim Street

Pottstown, PA  19464


School Hours

Grades K-8: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm 

PreSchool 3 & Pre-K4: 9:00 am - 2:45 pm

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