Extended Care is available from 7:00 AM until 6:00 PM each school day. Extended care is also available on school holidays, in-service days, and early dismissals provided there is sufficient interest. Saint Aloysius provides professional care, supervision, recreation, and enrichment activities. It serves working families who desire both parochial school education and supplementary child care in a Catholic environment. This service is provided only to children enrolled at Saint Aloysius Parish School.
$5.00 per hour per child (must be paid one month in advance)
$10.00 per hour per child (drop-in rate due at the time of service)
For pick-up after 6:00 PM the rate is $2.50 per 15 minute increment. Students who arrive at school before 7:45 and students who are not picked up by 3:15 will be sent to the CARES room. Parents are responsible for the charges incurred during this time.